Legal notice
Legal notice (Impressum)
Responsible for the content according to § 5 TMG (Telemediengesetz):
Professorship of Architecture and Construction
Prof. Jeannette Kuo
School of Engineering and Design
Technical University of Munich
General information in accordance with § 55 RStV (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag):
Responsible for journalistic and editorial content: Prof. Jeannette Kuo, TU Munich, Acrisstr. 21, 80333 Munich
This website offers information for the symposium Material Exchange.
The contents of our pages have been created with the utmost care. However, we cannot guarantee the contents' accuracy, completeness or topicality. According to statutory provisions, we are furthermore responsible for our own content on these web pages. In this context, please note that we are accordingly not obliged to monitor merely the transmitted or saved information of third parties, or investigate circumstances pointing to illegal activity. Our obligations to remove or block the use of information under generally applicable laws remain unaffected by this as per §§ 8 to 10 of the Telemedia Act (TMG).
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